
A quick note about affiliate links that may be used on Coleman and Co.

Some of my posts may contain links that allow me to make a small commission if you make a purchase through it. These links cost nothing extra for you and allow me to support my Target, Starbucks and Sephora habits...Just kidding it goes towards bills and all the other adult things I'm forced into doing.

I promise I will never recommend products that I don't use and love. Promise. Honesty is and always will be my top priority.

If I use an affiliate link I will always disclose it at the top of the post, like this: *Links in this post may be affiliate links, shopping through the links will not cost you anything and any money made is used to fund my Target addiction and maybe Starbucks, or Sephora...etc. you can read more here.*

Email usage: If you subscribe to follow my posts, or to receive a freebie than you can rest easy knowing that your email address will never be shared/sold/whatever people with too much time on their hands do! You'll never receive any spam, pinky promise! 

-xo Aifton


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